Well, once again mon coeur was inspired to make something really quick for dinner and he send me this pics for me to blog about coz he really made an effort to make it since its really a quick dish so mom was really impressed by it heheheh...
The funny skype conversation we had wt moncoeur and my parents is when my mom said this...
mom: so this dish really looks delishes..so does it taste delicious to? and then she laugh (hahaha)
Mon Coeur: Oh yes its sweet and the vegetables just add colour and flavour to the fish .
mom: good job :)
SO my mom dont believe that he can actually cook something hahaha,...anyhow, it was a good practice for my mom to use skype call in the new future as when i do move to KL i will be communicating with her regularly with skype so it would be some of the new things that my mom will have to learn about the internet and soon i think she will be doing her own blog! hahahaha
so here is the picture of the food mon coeur prepared for dinner last night!
Bonne Appetite!
Mon Coeur & Clarity!